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Scrape data effortlessly with our tools and data scraping services

Choose the model that fits you

Explore our diverse range of web scraping options, including Do it yourself, Managed data scraping services, and custom solutions to find the perfect fit for your web scraping needs at the most affordable price.

Web scrapers for all use cases

From ecommerce to real estate, our scraping solutions are designed to match your scraping needs. Explore our web scraping prices to discover a wide range of data possibilities suitable for you.

Custom pricing model

Complex, simple, or average— regardless of the complexity of the scrape, get started with a web scraping cost-effective plan that will comprehensively address all your requirements and specifications.

Sit back and relax

We handle all types of data extraction to ensure the accurate and timely delivery of quality data while being mindful of your scraping costs. Leave the hassle of building or maintaining scraping solutions from scratch to us.

Always here for you

Our customer support will assist you 24/7 throughout your scraping journey. Whether you’re facing a technical issue, have a billing query, or want to know more about the process, our team is just a message away.

Data delivered as you wish

Get your data in ready-to-use formats like Excel and CSV, or seamlessly integrate it with your database and apps. Say goodbye to data inconsistencies and the headache of managing disorganized datasets.

Unlock the best web scraping solution

Smart IP rotation

Flawless Integration

Data Privacy

Custom plan for custom needs

Transform your data strategy with our budget-friendly web scraping prices.